Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Teaching experience

No, we don't have pianos except on special occasions I have to time to practice because are days are so full...we are in the MTC for much shorter times now so it is packed more full... Yes my comp plays piano! They asked me to play Sunday but I had her do it because she loves to play!! All the trees are decorated on campus! Yeah I leave for Mexico Monday so she will be my comp until then. Half my district leaves Monday and half next week. I won’t have email next week because my pday in the field should be Monday. We have lots of snow now! That is awesome! The temple is closed for fix ups. Hope Joe goes on his mission soon... I am kind of nervous to leave on Monday but excited to go...I think that the mission President there will email you when I get to the mission field to let you know I am safe. That is what I heard from others, but I am not sure. If not, I will email you the following Monday on my pday out there! I am so excited!! Stay warm and safe, can you believe it has been a month and already!!? It’s crazy! 

I  love how much Heavenly Father has been blessing me in my studies and prayers! I have received so much more revelation here than I thought was possible! It is like I can have conversations with Him and understand what He is telling me. It is great to feel the spirit so strongly all the time and be guided by it as we teach our investigators!! We had an investigator who was experiencing a lot of trials and who turned to illegal substances to cope, I prayer for him and asked Heavenly Father what to do, Heavenly Father answered my prayer and said, "Just be his friend. He needs a friend," so I went up to the door and it was weird I was completely myself but Heavenly Father brought things to my mouth to say and it made the investigator laugh and I could tell he was feeling comfortable. I swear it was Christ and not me talking the whole time because I would open my mouth and things would just come out. So we got in the door and taught him in the dark with the door open because he was either high or hung over and I was just like, “ I see something in you...tell me your story” ...and it turns out his parents had abandoned him and he was angry and confused at God and was poor and addicted to drugs and stuff. So I don't even remember what I said but by the end he opened up and was excited to meet with us the next day and really wanted to learn more and change. As we were leaving my teacher got excited and was like "sisters come back here" and sat us back down and then he said that that was the best lesson any missionary has taught that investigator in the MTC and highlighted things that I did right but I was like, “that wasn't me...I told Heavenly Father I couldn't do it so He just taught that man”. I felt so happy. I know Heavenly Father is just teaching me through it all. Anyways I hope everything is great at home!! I sent tons of pictures this week in my group emails! Tell Heidi thank you so much for the package,,,,I am sending her a card today!!!! Love and miss you all
~Hermana Anderson 

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